Wednesday, March 23, 2011

52 Books in 52 Weeks - 12

I am taking part in the 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge.

This week's book was Homeschooling the Child With ADD (or Other Special Needs) by Lenore Colacion Hayes.

An excerpt from the back of the book: More and more parents are realizing that homeschooling is a great option for children with ADD, ADHD, and other special needs. Homeschooling parents can tailor learning experiences to precisely fit their child's requirements, a crucial necessity in the development of special needs children.

This book was not what I expected. Not to say it was a bad book, just not what I thought it was going to be. It seemed to focus a lot on before you start HSing, diagnosing (or not) your child's issues, dealing with using (or not) the public school services, ect... While this may be a great book for someone who isn't HSing yet and looking into the idea, I was hoping for a book of ideas to "tailor learning experiences to precisely fit their child's requirements". This was not it. While there was the typical, be patient, be flexible, ect... there wasn't really any different things to try at home in the book. I was surprised because the rest of the books in the series by Prima Publishing do go into more details and give hints, tips and ideas.

I would recommend the book for a new HSer or someone who is considering HSing their special needs child. But not for someone who already is.

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